Numerology has been a supportive tool in understanding my life path as well as my current cycle. Each of our life cycles began the day we were born and depending on your current life cycle you can experience a set of themes and initiations that support your journey.

To find out which year you are in, add your birth month + day + the current year (2024) until you get a single-digit number.

For example April 6 is 4 + 6 + 2024 = 2034 = 9

Here is what I am learning about the different cycles from Christine Delorey’s book, Life Cycles. The main titles are her words, the keywords, tarot cards, supportive medicines, journal prompts & archetypes are of my own interpretations/contribution.

I inquired with the Dirt Gems deck to determine which plant allies might suit you during your cycle, this is based on the oracle descriptions and my own intuitive insight. The animal medicine was a mixture of guidance from Alyson Charle’s book, Animal Power, as well as my own experiences with these animal guides. Many thanks to Kim Kran’s Archetypes deck for being my most used oracle cards for understanding the archetypes in our psyche.

I hope this is helpful to your current journey!


A journey of change, new beginnings, and independence. 

Keywords: change, new beginnings, positivity, adapting, self-acceptance, centered on you, procrastination, starting, birthing, independence, experience

Tarot Card: The Empress

Archetypes: The Starborn, The Seed, The Queen

Animal Medicine: Caterpillar, Bee, Stork, Rabbit

Plant Allies: Vitex, Dandelion

Journaling Prompts: Where can I allow change into my life? What is necessary for me to begin? What does deep acceptance of myself look like? How can I reprioritize my focus back onto me? What do I know today that will help me start?


A slow journey of patience, cooperation, sensitivity, and gradual success.

Keywords: slowing down, harmony, rest, patience, softness, sensitivity, quieting the mind, relaxed, carried along, deep emotion, cooperation, equality, warmth, willingness, confidence, grace

Tarot Card: Strength 

Archetypes: The Warrior, The Village

Animal Medicine: Lion, Bear, Bull, Koala

Plant Allies: Passionflower, Skullcap

Journaling Prompts: What is my relationship to rest? How does my sensitivity and softness serve me? Where can I relax my efforts or thoughts? What does cooperation look like? What would gradual success measure to me as?


A journey to happiness on a sea of appearances.

Keywords: desire, decision-making, courage, lightness, happiness, peace, truth, friendship, creativity, beauty, optimism, deep love, surprises, self-improvement, effort 

Tarot Card: The Sun

Archetypes: The Animal, The Comic, The Creator

Animal Medicine: Eagle, Whale, Dragonfly, Frog

Plant Allies: Barberry, Black Walnut

Journaling Prompts: What are my deeper desires? What activities bring me happiness and creativity? What are ways I can open and stay light to the possibility of surprise? Where can I improve aspects of myself in a gentle way?


A journey of breakthroughs on a sea of obstacles.

Keywords: identity, priorities, effort, reconsideration, organization, hard work, belief, deliberate, challenges, obstacles, diligence, determination, breakthrough 

Tarot Card: Wheel of Fortune 

Archetypes: The Hunter, The King, The Threshold

Animal Medicine: Horse, Butterfly, Eagle, Ant

Plant Allies: Mugwort, Holy Basil, Aloe Vera

Journaling Prompts: Who am I really? What are ways I have navigated challenges in the past? What are my beliefs? How can I strengthen my belief in myself? Where is there area for breakthrough in my life?


A journey of change, freedom and a new experience.

Keywords: change, unpredictability, choice, variety, freedom, adventure, opportunities, limitless, overindulgence, physical body

Tarot Card: The Hanged Man

Archetypes: The Shapeshifter, The Poet, The Pilgrim

Animal Medicine: Chamaelon, Lizard, Snake, Horse

Plant Allies: Evening Primrose, Peppermint, Magnolia

Journaling Prompts: How does change serve me? What’s the wildest outcome? Where would I wander if I knew I would end up where I needed to be? What does a limitless life look like? How can I care for my body?


A journey of love, relationship, responsibility and healing.

Keywords: balance, responsibility, priorities, compassion, understanding, possibilities, forgive, heal, truth, love, power, relationships

Tarot Card: The Lovers

Archetypes: The Healer, The Lover

Animal Medicine: Bee, Shark, Wolf, Giraffe

Plant Allies: Arnica, Strawflower, Yarrow

Journaling Prompts: Where can I take deeper responsibility for my life? What do I desire in my partnerships and relationships? What do I love? What will my legacy look like? Who do I need to forgive?


The inner voyage — a year of learning.

Keywords: privacy, solitude, quietness, truth, wisdom, dignity, fulfillment, perfection, long-term, reflection, potential, analyze, study, learn, magic, will 

Tarot Card: The Hermit

Archetypes: The Self, The Shadow, The Cave

Animal Medicine: Bear, Turtle, Bat, Owl

Plant Allies: Rosemary, St. John’s Wort, Ginkgo

Journaling Prompts: What does my inner voice sound like? Who am I at the core? What do I want to expand my knowledge on this year? In reflection, what has been working and what hasn’t been working in my life? What can I expand on? What are some examples of magic I have experienced in the past? What does free will mean to me?


Developing your personal power — a journey of achievement.

Keywords: satisfaction, confidence, actualization, achievement, financial gain, reward, status, success, power, contentment, happiness, property, security, stability, expanding talents, bright, striving, acting, consistency, determination 

Tarot Card: The Magician

Archetypes: The Shapeshifter, The Ocean

Animal Medicine: Alligator, Jaguar, Dolphin, Hummingbird, Raven

Plant Allies: Clary Sage

Journaling Prompts: What does satisfaction look and feel like? What does the actualization of my desires/dreams require of me? How can I build security within my life? What am I ready to expand on more and share with the world? What motivates me?


The end of an era — going back to claim your future.

Keywords: completion, acceptance, stagnation, numbness, release, resolve, generosity, humanitarianism, great depth, resurfacing, relief 

Tarot Card: The World

Archetypes: The Mystic, The Dead End

Animal Medicine: Shark, Coyote, Pig, Owl

Plant Allies: Lavender, Licorice

Journaling Prompts: What is ready to be brought to completion? What can I release? Who am I ready to let go of? What identities can clear? What does generosity mean to me? How can I stay in flow and also grieve? What is my relationship to endings and death?


