Maui Fire Relief Resources

Start Here: Support Families Directly —

This list is being added/monitored by @helpmauirise please DM them directly if you are/or know of someone who needs to be added

Foundations / Organizations —

Nervous System Support

Regulated nervous systems heal our planet. Here is a list of FREE and ancestral practices that help: Singing, chanting, dancing, exercise, grounding with bare feet in the sun, ocean/river/forest bathing

Free Breathwork & Meditation Links —

This is an ongoing list of resources that I believe are reputable and aiding as much relief and support as efficiently as possible. If you know of family and friends to support — go directly. This will always be more impactful than waiting for the trickle-down effect of massive organizations.

Volunteering, clothing and food donations, and money sent/given directly to our lāhui members is usually the first place I turn. Please see the Venmo & GoFundMe link at the start of this page. Large organizations have received an overwhelming amount of donations.

If you have any resources you wish to share, please submit them here —